Risk assessment tools are now widely used in the correctional field, but many agencies struggle to implement the tools with fidelity. This training provides information on quality assurance processes necessary to ensure the instrument is accurately measuring client risk, including inter-rater agreement processes to ensure the risk assessment is scored consistently and correctly. The training also helps prepare agencies for future validation studies of their risk assessment instruments.
Training description:
- The Principles of Effective Intervention research suggests that for agencies to effectively manage their clients, the selection and appropriate use of a standardized, objective risk assessment tool that measures statistically relevant risk factors is necessary.
- To ensure that risk assessment instruments are accurately measuring client risk, agencies must incorporate training and ongoing coaching and support to sustain scoring accuracy.
- The curriculum provides participants with information regarding inter-rater agreement, a data-driven approach to ensure that an agency’s risk assessment tool is being scored consistently across all staff using the tool.
- The training curriculum describes the inter-rater agreement process and aids agencies in identifying existing scoring challenges among staff so that future coaching and training can be targeted.
- This training also helps to prepare agencies for future validation studies of their risk assessment instruments.
Audience: Tailored to staff at any level (management, supervisory, direct care staff)
Prereq: None
Duration: A half day to a full day; additional coaching as well as technical assistance in developing and implementing an inter-rater reliability process is also available