For nearly ten years, CJI has collaborated with the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to plan, facilitate, and host the Institutional Corrections Research Network (ICRN)/National Corrections Reporting Program Annual Data Providers Meeting at the National Corrections Academy in Aurora, Colorado. In April 2024, this two-day event will allow state corrections leaders and research staff to build their connections with peers and federal agency partners and learn about innovations from the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP) data collection process. Understanding how data is collected and used is the first step for corrections leaders to effectively leverage that data to manage populations and make data-driven decisions to improve corrections systems for people in their facilities, staff safety, and the communities to which they return.
In addition to an in-person conference, BJS, NIC, and CJI will host webinars. The collective learning environment will include key topics to facilitate discussion on trends in the field, research needs, improvements in data collection, and the importance of evidence-based decision-making. ICRN activities will address knowledge gaps, increase communication among corrections leaders, researchers, and practitioners, and foster conversations about sustainable improvements in data collection to drive the field forward. One of ICRN’s primary goals is to allow participants to learn about how BJS uses the NCRP data and provide feedback to enhance the usefulness of this important data collection effort.
Learn more about past ICRN conferences here.