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The Crime and Justice Institute bridges the gap between research and practice with data-driven solutions that drive bold, transformative improvements in adult and youth justice systems.

With a reputation built over many decades for innovative thinking, unbiased issue analysis, and a client-centered approach, we can help your organization achieve better, more cost-effective results for the communities you serve.

Who We Are

CJI is a division of Community Resources for Justice, a 140-year-old nonprofit human services organization headquartered in Boston. The CJI team brings decades of experience developing evidence-based, data-driven policies, managing complex processes with diverse stakeholders, and driving systems-level organizational change. Our energetic staff and network of consultants come from a variety of backgrounds.

Our Approach

We develop strong partnerships with organizations to improve performance and build capacity for lasting change. Our goal is to create an environment of continuous improvement that ensures the sustainability and success of initiatives long after the technical assistance engagement.

We understand that your challenges and systems are too complex for an inflexible approach. We do the work to understand your goals, assess your strengths and needs, and develop evidence-based, data-driven recommendations to help you achieve those goals. Our recommendations are informed by the latest research and knowledge of what has worked in other organizations.

What CJI Can Do For You

We work with organizations throughout the adult and youth justice systems, from police agencies to courts and community and institutional corrections systems.