We work with our partners in probation and parole to translate research into practice in many different forms.
Our work ranges from technical assistance and strategic planning to training and program assessment like the Correctional Program Checklist (CPC). We are committed to meeting our project partners “where they’re at” and understand the difficulties that surround the implementation of research in the real world. In order to address these challenges, we work collaboratively with community corrections partners to support their efforts and develop capacity within the organization or agency.
Examples of our work in this area include:
Implementing Graduated Responses in Alaska
In 2016, we began working with the Division of Probation and Parole in the Alaska Department of Corrections to design and implement a graduated responses program, which gives staff guidance on responding to behavior in a graduated manner, incorporating both sanctions and incentives, to support behavior change and reduce recidivism.
First, we helped facilitate a policy development working group comprised of division leadership, supervisors, and line-level community supervision staff. We helped the group develop a graduated responses matrix and policies that fit Alaska’s particular goals and needs using the latest research on best practices. We then developed a curriculum and trained staff on how to effectively implement the graduated responses matrix with their caseload. We continue to work with the state to monitor implementation, support the analysis of relevant performance data, and develop ongoing quality assurance mechanisms.
Yolo County Community Corrections Partnership
CJI assisted the Yolo County, California, Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) in developing a multi‐year Public Safety Realignment Plan. The purpose of this project was the development of a comprehensive approach to realignment, (also known as AB109) that focused efforts on strategic priorities, provided an operational work plan to accomplish the goals, and developed performance metrics to measure progress. Additionally, we conducted a review of all the programs that were funded by realignment dollars to determine which programs were appropriate for formal evaluation based on a variety of objective criteria.
Evidence-based Practices Training for Massachusetts Parole
In 2012, we began working with the Massachusetts Parole Board to implement evidence-based practices (EBP) that aligned with their core values and mission. First, we assisted the Parole Board in conducting a rigorous evaluation of the available risk and need assessment tools that would help the agency better identify the criminogenic risks and needs of individuals on parole.
Following the review, the Parole Board made a decision to adopt the Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) risk/need assessment tool. We also trained Parole Board members and staff on the principles of effective intervention (PEI) and built capacity by providing a comprehensive implementation plan and process to conduct inter-rater agreement.